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Items filtered by date: Marzo 2021
El NV200 Spectral de Innovative Technology se ha consolidado en el mercado como un validador de billetes altamente seguro y tecnológicamente avanzado, diseñado para garantizar un procesamiento eficaz del efectivo. Es la base de varios productos nuevos de la gama Spectral que ITL ha lanzado en los últimos años y, gracias a su diseño modular, permite a los clientes añadir fácilmente funciones adicionales como el reciclaje de billetes o la alimentación de billetes en racimo. El conjunto de productos NV200 Spectral puede utilizarse en una amplia variedad de aplicaciones, con instalaciones internacionales que crecen a buen ritmo.
Thorsten Labusch, vicepresidente de ventas y desarrollo comercial, comenta sobre la gama NV200 Spectral: "Nuestro reciclador estrella, el Spectral Payout, es ideal para numerosas aplicaciones y actualmente tenemos unidades en el campo de las industrias del juego, los puntos de venta, los quioscos y el autoservicio en toda Europa, Estados Unidos y Asia. Esta recicladora superior es perfecta para aplicaciones de gran volumen que requieren un reciclaje de múltiples denominaciones a gran velocidad.  El Spectral Payout, un reciclador de 80 billetes de denominación mixta "real", puede almacenar todas las denominaciones de una moneda determinada, eliminando la falta de efectivo y reduciendo el nivel de flotación necesario para mantener las máquinas operativas. Al utilizar los billetes para el cambio o los premios, el Spectral Payout reduce drásticamente los costes de recogida del operador".
Thorsten continuó: "Otra unidad que forma parte de la colección NV200 Spectral es el Spectral BNF (alimentador de billetes en manojos) que se está utilizando en máquinas de depósito automáticas para aplicaciones bancarias en toda Europa, incluida Rusia.  Con una capacidad de depósito a gran escala y velocidades de aceptación rápidas, es ideal para entornos de gran escala y volumen.  Permite a los operadores presentar más de 100 billetes a la vez y puede utilizarse con una impresionante caja de 2200.  Los billetes entran en el validador desde el fondo de la pila de depósito, por lo que se dispone de una recarga constante, lo que minimiza significativamente el tiempo de recarga".
Para las aplicaciones Smart Safe, el Spectral BNF puede incorporarse con la interfaz Safe.  Thorsten añadió: "Estamos trabajando con varios clientes de la banca, las finanzas y el comercio minorista en varios lugares para que puedan dedicar menos tiempo a contar y conciliar el efectivo. Utilizando el NV200 Spectral, el diseño de la unidad permite a los clientes acceder al cabezal del validador mientras el efectivo está almacenado de forma segura dentro de la caja fuerte inteligente, lo que proporciona un mayor nivel de seguridad."
Por último, Thorsten comentó: "El Spectral TEBS también forma parte de la familia NV200 Spectral. Este sistema de bolsas de dinero a prueba de manipulaciones es ideal para los entornos minoristas y bancarios que transportan grandes cantidades de dinero en efectivo. Cada bolsa de efectivo tiene un código de barras único para una total trazabilidad de auditoría y la bolsa de efectivo de alta capacidad (hasta 1000 billetes nuevos) reduce la cantidad de visitas de efectivo en tránsito y elimina la pérdida de efectivo".
Consulte toda la gama NV200 Spectral aquí.
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Notwithstanding the global situation, VendExpo in Moscow took place last week spanning over three days in the Russian capital.  The 14th international exhibition of vending technologies and self-service systems was held at the Expo centre and was one of the first major global exhibitions to take place since the pandemic began last year.

Commenting on ITL’s presence at the show, Georgiy Frolov, Business Development Manager said, “VendExpo was a welcome opportunity to meet up with partners, colleagues and customers given the past year we have all had. Despite the expected reduction in customer traffic compared to previous years, the show was quite successful for us and we had a good number of quality leads, so we predict that overall, the show will produce more potential customers. The team also noticed that both exhibitor and visitor profiles where more varied compared to 2019 suggesting the show is attracting other market sectors beyond vending such as banking and kiosk. Customers from all industries who visited the booth could see the potential for facial recognition and updating their units to improve their recycling capabilities.”

Georgiy continued, “A big success for the region is the adoption of our compact recyclers NV11 Spectral and NV22 Spectral. These are the first choice for Vending applications due to their flexibility and size. Visitors were impressed with their proven ability to maximises cash efficiency and reduce operational costs significantly. It was also great to see some of our more traditional products on other stands such as the BV50, which is used widely across Russia within vending applications.”

“For higher volume, retail applications, customers showed a keen interest in our recycling offerings for both bills and coins using the Spectral Payout and Smart Coin System combination. The Spectral Payout is an 80 note ‘true’ mixed denomination recycler which uses the Central Bank of Russia (CBR) certified NV200 Spectral validator. It gives complete note image capture for exceptional protection against fraudulent and stained notes as well as eliminating change starvation & reducing the note float level required to keep machines operational. This unit combined with the SMART Coin System – a multi-denomination coin recycler, which is now able to work with 1-10 RUB coins - proved to be popular with the visitors.”

Concluding Georgiy said, “This year we also participated in one of the conference programme discussions on self-service innovations. We reviewed ICU, our facial recognition and age verification device, as a part of self-service systems of the future. This was well received and resulted in several discussions and potential partnerships. On the booth ICU was also creating interest with more perspectives of its practical use such as loyalty programs and night clubs. The ICU age verification feature demonstrated on the booth attracted high interest from visitors who sell age-restricted goods and services both in retail and vending sectors as an effective way to automate age checks to ensure compliance. This new era of self-service is fast moving and presents interesting prospects for the future. We look forward to working with customers and partners in the region to explore how our new products and technologies can benefit their businesses.”


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The NV200 Spectral from Innovative Technology is now well established in the market as a highly secure and technologically advanced banknote validator designed to ensure efficient cash processing. It is the foundation for several new products in the Spectral range that ITL have launched over the past few years and using its modular design it allows customers to easily add additional functionality such as note recycling or bunch note feeding. The NV200 Spectral suite of products can be utilised in a wide variety of applications with international installs growing at pace.


Commenting on the NV200 Spectral suite Thorsten Labusch, VP of Sales & Business Development said, “Our flagship recycler, the Spectral Payout is ideal for numerous applications and we currently have units in the field within the gaming, POS, kiosk and self-service industries throughout Europe, the USA and Asia. This superior recycler is perfect for high volume applications requiring multi-denomination recycling at fast speeds.  An 80 note ‘true’ mixed denomination recycler the Spectral Payout can store all denominations from a given currency, eliminating cash starvation & reducing the float level required to keep machines operational. By utilising notes for change or prizes the Spectral Payout dramatically reduces operator collection costs.”


Thorsten continued, “Another unit part of the NV200 Spectral collection is the Spectral BNF (bunch note feeder) which is being utilised in automated deposit machines for banking applications throughout Europe including Russia.  Boasting a large-scale deposit capacity and quick acceptance speeds this is ideal for large scale, high volume environments.  It allows operators to present 100+ notes at once and can be utilised with an impressive 2200 cashbox.  Notes enter the validator from the bottom of the deposit pile so constant refill is available, significantly minimising refill time.”


For Smart Safe applications, the Spectral BNF can be incorporated with the Safe Interface.  Thorsten added, “We are working with various customers in banking, finance and retail in several locations to enable them to spend less time counting and reconciling cash. Utilising the NV200 Spectral, the unit's design allows customers to gain access to the validator head while the cash is securely stored inside the smart safe, providing an enhanced level of security.”


Concluding Thorsten commented, “The Spectral TEBS is also part of the NV200 Spectral family. This tamper evident cashbag system is ideal for retail and banking environments who transport large amounts of cash. Each cashbag has a unique barcode for full audit traceability and the high capacity cashbag (up to 1000 new notes) reduces the amount of cash in transit visits and eliminates cash shrinkage.”


Check out the full NV200 Spectral range here.


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